AdS/CFT Cosmology
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Axion Monodromy

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I participate in the theoretical group of the Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS). J-PAS is a photometric sky survey ofunprecedent size planned to provide the first complete 3D map of the Universe. The survey utilizes a broad, intermediate and narrow range of band filters and will dicover a number of stars, galaxies, supernovas, quasars and solar system objects, which will be mapped with exquisite accuracy. My interest in the collaborations, at the moment, is to use the BAO measurements to test differenct dark energy models.
More information visite the website or read our white paper.


BINGO - Baryon acoustic oscillations In Neutral Gas Observations, is a dual dish radio telescope in Uruguay aiming to measure the 21 cm emsion line from neutral hydrogen on large angular scales and at redshift z ~ 0.3. By measuring the BAO from intensity mapping of the 21 cm signal, BINGO will study the expansion of the universe, helping to gain knowledge of the beehaviour of dark energy. The telescope will have no moving parts and consist of a primary mirror of about 40 m diameter and a secondary a bit smaller. It will have around 50 "pixels". With this design, the accuracy on the measurement on the acoustic scale will be 2.4% for one year of integration time, by performing a drift scan survey of 10 deg x 200 deg, with a resolution of 40 arcmin at 1 GHz. For more information, visit the website or read this.